Saturday 6 June 2015


But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

I have for the past month listened consistently to a profound teaching that has challenged me to stop wading through the coastline and beachfront of my destiny and venture into the deep seas which though challenging and lonesome, has innumerable rewards and fulfillment. I listened to this word with awe and humility. I repeated to myself that this is it; it felt like it was the word that i had been waiting for; the turning point. I learnt that the thing that validates my dreams is my talent.

The thing is, many people are still waiting for other people to open doors for them. Like the man lying by a healing pool for thirty eight years, yes THIRTY EIGHT! Imagine everyday for 38 years waiting for a person out there somewhere to come and change your story. Let me back up a bit, this man was brought to the healing pool by dear friends who believed genuinely in their hearts that their buddy would get into the pool and get his healing and thereafter go about his business of life. It was the perfect plan. they might have positioned him strategically so he could be advantaged when the waters were stirred or maybe they left him at the back of the line.The point is they brought him to a place where he could get his miracle, his elevation, his turning point. Many times, i ask myself if this man wanted to walk bad enough. you see, in my opinion, his desperation would have created an atmosphere for his miracle. we are told he was lying by the pool. i ask myself many times, couldn't he have tried to roll over a few time till he falls in; there's no fear he could break his spine since he would be falling into a healing pool. the thing am driving at here is that this man waited for someone to usher him to his greatness while all along  he was right there, all he had to do was work his little strength and get his miracle.

Have you met people that are bitter and angry because someone did not usher them to their greatness? someone who still thinks its his parent's fault that he is not doing as well as he ought to or blaming their mentors for not making them who they think they should be. others blame their employers for not creating an atmosphere for them to thrive in the workplace yet others blame the system. We have a vast number of people walking in disillusionment and anger because they pegged their success on another person forgetting that they too have what it takes to be successful at whatever field they have been talented in.
on the same breath, i have met and read about people that have worked their talents so well that their treasure/talent became synonymous with their name.It is completely astounding to meet giants who are perfecting their talents everyday. this people realize that the success of yesterday is today's mediocrity and they go out of their way to work continuously on their talent. when i think about this kind of people, a few individuals come to mind; when i think about living in purpose, the late Dr. Miles Munroe comes to mind. When i think about leadership, John C Maxwell comes to mind. When i think about Excellence, Faith, Prayer and living life at the most optimal capacity while having a good time, i think of Bishop Allan Kiuna. When i think of womens ministry and especially raising the standard among women, i think of Rev Kathy Kiuna. When i think about emotional healing, forgiveness and hope, i think of Bishop T.D Jakes. When i think of physical healing, i think of Pastor Benny Hinn. when it comes to comedy and entertainment, Daniel Ndambuki comes to mind. Nelson Mandela comes to mind when i think of selfless political leadership. talking of industrialists, then Manu Chandaria comes to mind. Time fails me to talk about Oprah Winfrey, Chris Kirubi, Sir Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Terry Mungai, Lupita Nyong'o and many other individuals who have risen to the zenith just because they worked their talent. Its just that simple. your talent becomes one with your name.

Unfortunately, more people are busy admiring other peoples talents instead of working their own forgetting that their talent however small or insignificant it may look has the ability to move you from palaces to state houses, from Africa to Europe, from America to Asia...i mean your worked on talent will take you places you have only just dreamt about.

so now, why don't you just decide to do you. why don't you purpose to do that one thing that comes naturally to you.
remember the fundamental divine principle that money follows purpose. Engage the gear of your life that will bring fulfillment and passion.


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