Friday 27 February 2015


Not long ago, my Bishop preached what i regard as a very powerful sermon. The Sermon was christened 'the rise of creators' and i had the rare privilege of sharing the same concept enunciated in the sermon to some amazing people but i still felt that this was more than just a message, it was Rhema from God's heart to our ears to rise from the balconies and overflows of mediocrity to the podiums of excellence and distinction.

The message was bold as it was insightful, it reminded us of this simple truth; God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days and on the 7th day he rested. the reason why God did not go back to work on the 8th day was simply because he had created Man, who in his image and likeness, was essentially a creator. A creator has the innate ability to see things things that do not exist as though they are already here, they simply create realities. You cannot create what you have not conceptualized in your mind and therefore before you can even create you must have the basic ability to THINK. i don't mean the simplistic engagement of the mind on trivial issues like the weather, basic needs or other mundane things; i am talking about sitting down with a pen and paper and thinking your way out of your problems.

The rudimentary principle of thinking  cannot be overemphasized. I heard some time back that God gave us brains so we could give him rest and i totally agree with that statement. i am deeply saddened whenever i see individuals living half-lives because they have left the other half of their life to unseen forces of nature or fate or 'the will of God' as some put it. There are those wallowing in poverty and depression, disillusionment and sadness all because they think that's how God would want it. the bible puts it succinctly 'beloved , i wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers'. In my humble opinion, the prosperity of the soul refers to the physical prosperity. I have in my study of the Bible come across numerous verses that points to a God that wants to bless us. the question that begs to be answered then is- why haven't some of us prospered despite giving, praying and fasting? the truth is, the day you prayed the Lord spoke to you and said you are a millionaire and that you would be great. Now, why hasn't that Word come to pass, 10 or 5 or 7 years later considering that God is not a man to lie neither is he a son of man to repent? I will tell you this: When you prayed, what you got was direction, you were basically pointed in the right direction so you stop wasting time running helter skelter trying to find your true north. the minute you heard the Word, an obligation fell on you to pursue that word till it manifests in your life. Understand that it is your personal responsibility to pursue to fruition that Word you heard in your closet.

Hearing from God is a wonderful experience but what is more wonderful is working out the Word so that it produces fruit in our lives. After hearing the Word, ask yourself; what do i need to do now that i know what God is doing in my life. one self abortive statement that alot of us make is 'i am believing God for this and that'... and three years later you're still in the same position. my question to you would be why are you believing God to give you a blessing that he has already released into your life (Ephesians 1:3). i believe that you should instead be asking yourself, what do you need to do to get where God has already pointed you out to. God will always use what is in your hands (your skills , talents, expertise, gifts) as the bridge to cross you over from where you are to where you ought to be.

waking in distinction and honor demands that we engage our mind and think through our circumstances to where we ought to go. the anointing in your life simply empowers you. the anointing does do the work. You have to be the one to write the business proposal, its your feet that will take you to that meeting at State House, it is your mouth that will preach. Stop saying you are still believing God when God has already released everything you need to prosper, excel, fulfill purpose and leave a mark of distinction in our generation.

It is not everyone that wants to engage in this tediuos task of thinking and it therefore goes without saying its not everyone that will leave a mark in this generation but for those few individual that will roll up their sleeves, embrace moments of solitude to think then greatness will not have a choice but give way to such people. We need thinkers in the church, parliament and senate, boardrooms and classrooms for thinkers are the next breed of leaders that will make a notable difference in society.

Finally remember this; if you really want to do something, you will find a way, if you don't, you will find an excuse.


1 comment:

  1. my goodness another timely rhema word.its our thinking that is going to change Africa and not foreign aid.we have all we could ever need to conquer all challenges of life if we only take time to think.i need God thoughts. brava my friend
