Monday 8 June 2015


My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

Alot can be said about nurturing talents and being all you are meant to be. The business of pursuing purpose cannot be over emphasized. The sole reason our hearts are still beating is because we have an assignment that we are yet to accomplish; until we get there, we have to keeping picking ourselves up. Everyday. We have to keep the candles of hope burning through out believing that though we might have missed it big time today, tomorrow is another day. And that tomorrow will be better than today. We have to believe that we will do better tomorrow.

I, sometimes have the tendency to place very high expectations on myself and beat myself up when i dont live up to my expectations. It gets very frustrating whenever i fall short of my 'list of thing to accomplish' which i set within a specific timeline. I have, however, over the years, learnt to forgive me for not meeting my sometimes unrealistic expectations. Am learning that a full life is not measured by age or status but by simply living out our lives from the inside out; Allowing what we carry to define us as opposed to waiting for external circumstances to define us.

Perhaps you have been there. That place of beating yourself up because you fell short of your expectations or maybe you fell short of another person's expectations.i cannot say enough that our talents don't work because we are perfect human beings but they work despite our imperfections.

The trailblazers in our generation are people that have constantly battled with issues in their lives but they did not allow this issues to define them, rather they purposed to rise despite the odds stacked high against them. they chose to believe in the riches of the treasure, the gem locked within them other than concentrate in the flaws of their character.

Working on our character is important but i think that it is a life long assignment and we will constantly fall short of if we keep comparing ourselves to others. Now, if we wait for our character to be perfected before we step into 'our call', then it will be a long wait. I am not saying that we should not care about our character and its effects on our lives. no, what i am saying is that even as we work on being better people; we should not let the whispers of our inadequacies muffle the shouts of our greatness.
It is your ordinariness that makes you unique, it is your commonness that makes you outstanding.

Your talent, not your physical imperfection, is what will be remembered years from today. Judging yourself based on physical attributes, intellectual capacity and socio- economic factors is greatly undermining the value of the talent that's locked within you. the point here is; you are not perfect, we get that. let me add this; no one is perfect. We are a sea of humanity plagued by weakness but strengthened by the grace of God.
Celebrate who you are as you journey to being the best that you can ever be. Work out your talents without apologies or shame.

be your best cheer leader and remember as you go up, you give others the opportunity to climb up as well.


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