Tuesday 24 December 2013

God of my Life

To the God of second chances,
To the God of broken hearts and shattered dreams,
To the God of unfinished songs and unsung melodies
To the God of shameful pasts and hopeful futures...

God of my weary years,
God of my wistful days and teary nights,
God of my painful groans and silent prayers,
God of my life.

The anchor that held me when my soul was on a free fall,
The banner that was lifted for me when my enemies surrounded,
The wisdom that taught me when life's manual was too difficult to comprehend,
The love that comforted me when my tears were my only food

God of my weary years..

You gave me hope when I had given up on myself,
You gave me a dream when all my dreams came crushing at my feet,
You made me a believer for you believed in me,
You gave me a reason to fly for you showed me the light on this tunnel

God of my life...

Thank you for wiping my tears when my hands were too feeble to reach my face,
Thank you for listening to my silent prayers and secret desires,
Thank you for reviving the dream within me that had died along the way,
Thank you for clothing my countenance with your glory and covering my shame with your grace

God, most sovereign

This heart is grateful for taking me through fierce battles and showing me  incredible victories,
Thank you for trusting me with your glory and assigning me distinction,
Thank you for giving meaning to my weary years and indescribable groaning,

Light of my life, I am forever grateful.


Saturday 14 December 2013


“How would your life be different if…You stopped allowing other people to dilute or poison your day with their words or opinions? Let today be the day…You stand strong in the truth of your beauty and journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others”
Steve Maraboli, Life, the Truth, and Being Free

I am often amused and somewhat wary of people that i meet and they say 'oh, i know you!' or when referring to a mutual friend they say 'i know him/ her that's just who they are!' what amuses me is the fact that this individuals will presume to know a person so well that they imagine they know their ability's, gifts & talents, limits. i shudder at the thought that someone else would claim to know me more than i know myself.

God created a masterpiece in each and everyone of us. Human beings are dynamic creatures that are ever transforming to fit into God's perfect mold. yet the thing that has for long crippled many of us from fulfilling our assignment is those simple 3 words- i know you! we meet individuals who want to limit us to the perception they had of us when we were still teenagers or when we could not figure out what we want in life and we sadly allow their subjective opinions to derails us, hinder our progress or dilute our passion in our pursuit of our God given assignment. i do not believe that just because you caught a passing glance of me at some time means you know me. there's much more to an individual than the occasional mood swings, the bad wardrobe choice, the broke-busted-and disgusted seasons, the out-rightly bad choices days.

God speaking to Ezekiel told him to ' go sit where they sit...' and i believe that God in sending him to the people wanted him to understand this people, feel what they felt and see what they saw. many of us need to adopt that approach before we express an opinion towards another person. i would ask that before we castigate our brothers and sisters, before we conclude it is the sins in their lives that's causing them to go through the issues they go through, before we sideline them for ' not toeing the line', before we brand others anti socials because they didnt say hi, before we spit venomous words on another person dreams because it doesn't tally with our opinion....sit where they sit.
People will always have dreams that seem strange to us and unless that person has allowed you to speak over their lives then you have no business discouraging them from doing what God has spoken to them in their prayer closets.

my strong conviction is that everyone on earth deserves a second chance in life, no matter where they are coming from or what they have done. the truth is you dont know that person as much as you think you do and you have no idea what they are capable of doing simply because you are not them. lets allow God's people to exhale peacefully without having them wait for us with bated breathes to validate their call, understand their purpose and to support their vision.

we are beautified in our purpose and as we pursue our passion, we allow others to pursues theirs too. there is always enough space high in the skies for eagles to fly. do not allow an opinion to stop you dead on your tracks..go ahead..exhale and be all you were called to be.

Thursday 7 November 2013

The Church-My School

Growing up in church in my younger days, I knew without any doubt that the church was a one day affair that I had to do as a religious rite and ritual to ease my conscience, break the week’s monotony and socialize as well. Like many, I relegated the role of the church to the center for purging sins and really nothing else. Lately I have greatly questioned that mindset and with recent years of gradual albeit absolute break of religion and ‘churchiness (playing church)’, I have come to the simple conclusion that we were not redeemed (saved) to showcase our flamboyance on the front row seats while our lives reek with hypocrisy and poverty for the two in my opinion are bosom buddies.

In my humble opinion, there’s a bigger reason why we are redeemed and placed within a church;

The Church is a social institution, a learning center where we unlearn the old paradigms and embrace new principles; we shift mindsets to align with the kingdom principles. If a believer is to leave an impact in this generation, then a radical mind shift is paramount.

Today’s church cannot run away from the fact that in reaching out to the masses and winning souls to the kingdom, then the gospel of hell fire and ‘get saved God will meet your needs’ will and cannot with all due respect carry the day. What mankind is looking for in this day and age are solutions based on practical principles. Jesus, during his time on earth taught about the principles of the kingdom, he used parables to create a mental picture of what the kingdom of God was like. He appealed to the people’s minds and not their emotional or social needs as today’s church has sadly capitalized on and he correctly told his followers..’seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all this things shall be added to you’ (Matt 6:33) now Paul goes ahead to explain what the kingdom of God is and he states that righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost is in fact the kingdom of God. Righteousness encompasses right thinking, right communication, and right action among many others. Understanding that every word and action is preceded by a thought then means that the kingdom of God is founded on accurate mental paradigms. I strongly believe that the 21st century church will have greater effect by raising thought leaders.

Thought leadership is solution based. I strongly believe that Jesus Christ was a thought leader who raised 12 leaders to affect the entire humanity. He spent time with his disciples seeking to change their world view, breaking religious dogmas that limited their potential and greatly curtailed their ability to influence. We see God visiting the great apostle peter in a vision and rebuking him for isolating people on the basis of their creed and might I add religious belief. In essence, the Lord made it clear that his love for mankind is unequivocal and it traverses color, creed and culture. If the believer today is to influence our society we must be willing to penetrate through societal barriers and cut through all seven nations with principles laced with godliness and virtue that will be the solution to our fallen social and administrative justice system.

The believer needs to be agent of change in the society by taking an active and leading role in decision making bodies. We need a rise of thought leaders that will penetrate the social strata with timely solutions in the boardroom, the senate/parliament, policy making bodies and the church of course. My experience in the corporate world has taught me that people don’t listen to prayers in the board room, they listen to solutions and it doesn’t matter who gives the solutions.  For the believer to affect the marketplace then solution based leadership (thought leadership) is the way to go.