Thursday 13 November 2014


A story is told of a young woman's faithfulness and commitment to her love in the middle of  despair, betrayal and heartache. the story goes that this young lady held on for years waiting for her love to come because of a promise. it was a solemn promise made in truth and honesty and she believed that against all odds, the love of her life would somehow surface and she would live happily ever after. sounds perfect, right? yet another story is told of another young woman who meets the love of her life at a ball, well a dance if you may, and the prince got so enthralled by this woman he danced the night away with her. as the clock struck midnight, the maiden had to leave but alas, she left her sandle behind. unabashed, the handsome prince scoured the entire kingdom looking for the maiden who could perfectly fit in the sandel he had. well, he finally did find her and they lived happily ever after or did they? that is one thing we will never ascertain because we do not get to read the ever after. i do however think in the ever after, there are days of tears, sadness, anger, betrayal perhaps along with the endless joy and pure bliss.

we read this stories with awe and wish our own stories were as perfect or nearly as thrilling. truth be told, if life would work exactly as we had imagined, many of us would certainly not be where we are today. we would have crafted our lives to fit the perfect mound. but it is not so. life has dealt a hand that some of us didn't expect or imagine. we have a whole lot of folks that are still reeling from the aftershock of their mistakes and wrong choices and they seem to sink deeper into the mire as the day goes by. we have some folk who are basking in the glory of the good times that life throws at them time after time. such is the imperfection of life; while some are still trying to understand the ramifications of some ill thought choices others are happy and grateful that they were able to avoid some pitfalls that their friends fell in. recently, i was mulling over the imperfections that make our lives so perfect. i was taking stock of my life and though i realized it did not turn out like i had perfectly imagined at 18, it has turned out imperfectly perfect. my many nights of darkness and sorrows, tears and uncertainty have given way to confidence, perception, aggression and purpose. i look back and i think, it had to be that long, bumpy, exhausting road. i just don't see how my mind would have transformed without the bumps along my path.

And if you are like me, you will realize that it is not your perfect life that has brought the phenomenal growth or aggression but rather its the bumps, valleys and mountains along your path that has led you to the point where you are at now. Any soldier worth his salt has scars on his body which only signify the battles he fought and got out alive.  Many will show the scars with pride as they narrate their close shave with death and that exactly how we should wear our imperfect lives-with pride.

you have had a few bad runs in the what? those are not the things that define you unless you choose to let them define you. i need to say this again... bad choices do not define you and while at it let me also say that good choices don't define you either. i know of some awesome people that have made very awful, pathetic decisions and i also know of some awful people who have made some pretty good choices. you are defined by who you perceive yourself to be; your essence, the small things about you that make you..YOU. The thing is to step back and separate yourself from the choice. A good friend of mine once told me 'you are what you answer to'. i think thats one of the truest statements that i have heard in a long time. when we take back the power we have given to other people, to situations and circumstances then and only then shall we sincerely appreciate our imperfect lives..

bottom line, your life is not perfect but it is the imperfections that have molded you to the person you are right now. perfection is over rated, celebrate your perfect imperfections.
